Monday, November 29, 2010

In Hindu Vedic rituals of purification

                                     I bow to lord ganesha 

External cleaning:-Nerytykon (between the south and west) village in open space  and go a few blocks. In the night not go away. Home townspeople in the convenience of the toilet stool and urine to the dedication. Go take with soil and water character. Keep them sacred place.water urn to keep in touch is prohibited. Keep head and body covered. Janeu (Thread worn by Hindus ) to make to the right ear. Well then extracted from the Janeu the right-hand (in throat) by the first wrap to the right ear, then brought his head above the left ear, take the wrap (the head covering to do this task is completed). Defecation While sitting for the morning, evening and day in the north should the mouth, and night in the south. who are not using straws religious ritual. Cover the straw on the ground. Then silence through the Shit action. Not take the time to breathe hard, and not even spitt.

Defecation after the first soil and water to the penis once washed. Anal later washed three times with the soil and water. Each time the soil is equal to the amount of green Aamla. Wash the soil from the left hand later set aside. It does not touch anything. Be required before the left hand under naabhee organs could be touched. But not now. the top of the naabhee organs should always touch the right-hand. Right hand to touch the lota or clothing. Long planting (pre-tied or clothing in different wrapping) held the soil in three parts due to scrub and rinse the place to come. The west and sit before the first part of the soil left hand to the wrist with both hands 10 times and then washed seven times. Water urn letter washed three times, before the third part to the right foot then left foot three times washed with water. Then left side 12 to rinse. Please flush the soil well. water Urn to the water and soil should well washed and remember Lord Vishnu. Binds to crest. Janeu Upevih to make. Ie right-hand bottom of the left shoulder with the other make. Next two times to rinse.

Urine defecation method: -Only laghushanka (urinate) on the toilet of the method varies. laghushanka after the next specified action is to not have to do the penance. So it should not be ignored.

Method: - one time after laghushanka (urine discard), three times in the left hand and washed 2 times by putting both hands in the soil. Planting the soil washed once in the foot. 4 rinse should wash hands properly again. Should rinse, then pour remaining soil water flush properly give. Please place clean. Or the way in quickly in the water, take gender cleansing and rinse clean and pick up limbs Shuddhi becomes normal. Must do so.

Time to distinguish differences in toilet: - toilet or Shuddhi process changes from the time difference. For men and Shudra and for the other half remains in the night. Trip is taken in the quarter. For patients depends on their strength. The above legislation is to Grahsth healthy bowel. The celibate to double, triple and sanyasis Wanprasth is prescribed to 4 times.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

clan traditions

                                    I bow to lord ganesha 

                           Hinduism considered in the clan traditions.In Hindu marriages not made in a dynasty। Today, science recognizes this fact. In the same lineage of many defects in children born from marriages are. In her ability to fight disease is very low.And the ability to give birth to children is also negatively

There is no such rule in any religion. To save the man from coming epidemics.In Hinduism, many rules have been created to develop genetic property. Which it is just one example.Not a single rule is to accept the whole may be destroyed.The Science of Sex Appeal on YouTube in the subject can understand.This video has been shown on Discovery Channel.Find another than you can know the subject.

If you have considered the Hindu religion. You also have to understand the nuances of the Hindu religion.Hindu religion is based entirely on science.Whose sole purpose. Continuous development to keep all in the right direction.            

Saturday, November 27, 2010

supreme lord be true and formless, the reason behind it

Bow to Lord Sri Ganesha, the hero of the infinite universe

Today in the two types of every religion is cult. Believe the true and formless supreme lord. supreme lord in Hinduism accepts both forms.However, acceptance of other religions who believe just the same as supreme lord's formless. Such as Christian, Muslim, Jain. If you ask them to give that evidence to be formless supreme lord? They can not proof.Because they have no evidence to prove supreme lord is not formless.But in Hinduism, supreme lord the incorporeal and realizing both the science of being based on evidence.Which also the three Rac 1. Birth 2. Life and 3. Death is considered the supreme lord.It will contain three positions as they are the ultimate sovereign. And the three conditions in the Earth and the infinite space is all over the place. Now to prove that the ultimate realization of God and how formless.In infinite space on this earth and each is born, is alive and in the end is destroyed. These three conditions are several steps involved.-all the planet  orbiting the sun in our solar Board . Millions sun in our galaxy are moving around the another great sun.Our galaxy is orbiting another sun.The order detail and Subtlety are both infinite. The both end can not be found. Therefore, the absence of estimates of the size of the ultimate God is formless . This supreme God as described in the Hindu religion.On the ground have to admit that the ultimate form of God is both formless and realization .

Moon in the Hindu astrological effect based on the science

                                              I bow to ultimate lord shree ganeshjee

   Most impact on the minds of the moon in astrology describes.According to modern science because of the moon tide comes.Sea is vast, so the moon is visible effect. This comes on the ground understand that the moon shows its effect on water element. And the water element all over the place. When the moon shows its effect on water, then it will show its effect on humans is inevitable. Because approximately 75% water element in the human body. And its effects can be in any part of the body.It also determines the percentage of salt effects. The amount of salt in the sea is too high. The amount of salt in our bodies even more than it will effect. Which blood pressure can occur.Crazy man's mental state is great impact of the changes in the moon. Moon and full moon over the mentally ill are affected. Full moon and the Phantom Soul (distorted waves) is also considered the effect. This also means some of us do this is in or around a specific location. Affected by the time the ill effects of the moon can affect people.

what is oum ? why put forward oum in sanskrit mantra ?

                                               I bow to ultimate god shree ganesh

 oum is an absolute ultimate lord .It has three phases. The first ' अ ' (Birth - Lord Brahma), the second 'उ '  (life ) Lord Vishnu), third ' म ' (death - Lord Shiva). These three traits are the properties of the ultimate sovereign. and also the  nature of ultimate God. It also has the nature of Lord Ganesha. The merger of the three Lord of the Lord Sri Ganesh's body.It is written first of all mantra . Written in the ancient mythology, the oum word is immortal. Or the accent after a time it always in some form is traveling in space.So it written next to cast mantra, because it gives power to the same mantra.As the mantra "oum namah Shivaya" means of -I bow to Lord Shiva as the supreme Lord, the god of death and destruction.

A son

                                                        I bow to my lord ganesha

There is a difference in a seed and a son. But a son is better than seed. Seed just as it can cause other seeds in the Son is always inclusive of the properties of many ancestors. If he is going to good manners, his value even more. If you with it - well that's good descent. Then it is worth and fig. Never - ever the son of the properties of its ancestor is born versa. He is also the father of the talented son. It's just your ancestor ominous combination of properties due to excess is bad. He is the ancestor of all properties of the carrier. Not necessarily the same qualities of the father of a son too. It's just that many ancestors by holding properties in combination to actively is born. And that combination of properties which hold ancestor which will determine the matter from coming into her pregnancy, birth and youth up to the Vedic times, social and family values are. Science today is a top seed for the development of animal or spend many years do. In the same way Hindus Hindus are a good and virtuous character of the development order and many Vedic rules. Whose Mlechyoan (Muslim - Christian) was used to complete before the arrival of. And is the Hindu knowledge, science and religion to achieve the ultimate goal. that the Vedas, Yoga, Ayurveda, several evidence relating to such religious texts .

Friday, November 26, 2010

Four Types of Adulterous Relations in Islam are called Marriages!

Courtesy: Dr. Thomas Ahmed.


There are five types of marriages in Islam:

1-Monogamous Marriage: A lawful relationship between one man and one woman.

2-Polygamous Marriage: A lawful relationship between one man and more than one woman, not to exceed four wives at a time.

3-Muta’a or Enjoyment Marriage: A temporary lawful relationship between a man and a woman. The relationship could be one hour, two hours, three days, a month, etc. The enjoyment marriage doesn’t require a judge or witnesses. The man has to say to the woman ‘I marry you myself’ and she has to say to him ‘I marry you myself.’ This kind of marriage differs from the ordinary marriage because it does not aim at a continuous married life, but the enjoyment in a lawful way. It has been permitted by the prophet, but abolished by the second caliph, Omar Ibn al-Khattab. The Shi’te sect argues that because this kind of marriage is permitted by the Qur’an (Q Surah al-Nisa 4: 24), the caliph Omar has no legal right to abolish it. According to the Shari’a law, no one has the right to abrogate any verse from the Qur’an after the death of the prophet. However, Muta’a marriage is unlawful in Sunni Islam, but practiced until today by the Shi’te Muslims. In Iran, it is estimated that over 70% of temporary wives become prostitutes (Woodsmall 1983: 119).

4-Al-Misyar Marriage: Al-Misyar marriage institution in Islam, allows for a lesser form of relationship between man and woman than normal marriage. Al-Misyar is an official relationship between man and woman, but does neither require that the two live together, nor that the man is economically responsible for his wife. Al-Misyar allows the man to have a normal wife in an addition to his wives. The misyar wife is expected to live with her parents, and her husband can visit her according to a predetermined schedule. Al-Misyar marriage has been practiced in Saudi Arabia and Egypt for years. The Egyptian Sunni Imam Shaykh Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi and the Mufti of Egypt officially legalized it in February 1999, and has also been defending the arrangement of misyar. Marriage is defined as ‘a permanent, immediate, and unconditional civil contract (which is not contingent) between two persons of opposite sex for mutual enjoyment and procreation of children’ (Verma 1988: 56). As we shall see soon this definition doesn’t apply to the concept of marriage in Islam. The two concerned persons who sign the marriage contract in Muslim countries are not the husband and wife. According to Shafi’ and Maliki Shari’a schools, ‘a woman is utterly incompetent to enter into a marriage contract either herself or for another even though her guardian should authorize her to do so. A father can contract the marriage of his virgin daughter without asking her consent whatever her age’ (Verma 1988: 24). There are no specific minimum age limitations in marriage in Islam. This is because the prophet Muhammad had married A’isha at the age of six and slept with her when she was nine years old. The Qur’an allows the girl to get married before she reaches the age of having her menstruation. Qur’an states, “Such of your women as have passed the age of monthly courses, for them the prescribed period, if ye have any doubts, is three months, and for those who have no courses (it is the same): for those who carry (life within their wombs), their period is until they deliver their burdens: and for those who fear Allah, He will make their path easy (Qur’an Surah Al-Talaq 65: 4). The commentator Ibn Kathir explains this verse as follows; there are three kinds of women, those who are grown old and their periods ceased and those small girls who do not yet have their periods. The old women and the underage girls who have not yet menstruated if they get married and divorced they have to stay three months before they are allowed to get married again. The third type of women is those who still have their periods or are pregnant. Those women have to stay three months and ten days before they remarry.

5-The fifth Marriage in Islam is to 72 VIRGINS IN PARADISE.
“We shall wed them unto [huris] fair ones with wide, lovely eyes” (Qur’an al-Dukhan 44: 51-54).
“Therein maidens resting their glances, untouched before them by any man or jinn…Lovely as rubies, beautiful as coral” (Qur’an al-Rahman 55: 56-58).
“The fair, the beautiful ones [huris]. With large eyeballs, kept close in their pavilions” (Qur’an al-Rahaman 55: 72).
“… and maidens of swelling breasts (kawa’eb) like of age, and a cup overflowing” (Qur’an al-Muzzamil 73: 33). Kawa’eb means the woman who has breasts that are swelling and firm, not sagging (Haqq & Newton 1996: 16).
“A woman does not give trouble to her husband in this world, but his wife of the pure-eyed ones [huris] does say to her: ‘Do not give him trouble. May Allah destroy you. He is only a passing guest with you and it is very near that he will soon leave you to come to us” (Mishakat al-Masabih, book, 1, hadith no. 62).
“The prophet was asked: ‘Do we have sex in paradise? He answered: ‘Yes, by him who holds my soul in his hand and it will be done dahman, dahman (that is the intercourse done with such shove and disturbance). And when it is finished she will return pure and virgin again” (Haqq & Newton 1996: 17).

Lord Shiva as the Ardhnarishwar. And the secret

                                            I bow to the ultimate Lord Ganesha

Lord Shiva in the form Ardhnarishwar, left part of Lord Shiva is a woman. And the right part is male.Right part of any human male-dominated and female organs left prince. Left part of the body most impact on woman show. right  part in the men show the most effect. This is shown in God shiva as the Ardhnarishwar.Daughters so knowledgeable scholars in the left handed and right-hand man in any rituals that bind spellbound thread. Many consider it wrong and say why the tie in left handed, that's bad? But he can not know the real thing, nor try to understand

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

properties of the President

                                      I bow to ultimate god shree ganesha

That same person can become president. Which characteristics such as Sri Ganesh.
This means that the elephant as its head, and torso as human beings.Elephants do not
like ever in spirit, if for some reason they are coming in spirit, his passion as there
is never empty.Sri Ganesh's conveyance is a mouse. Such as the mouse is hidden in his tunnel.
Schemes similar to the President must remain secret.Its international image tarnished by
publicity should be.Sri Ganesh's ears are great. Namely, that it explains things that everyone
listen carefully. And big head (his knowledge) to decide. Small - small eyes, tells everyone
to watch the president to be subtle. Long Nose tells the threat is taken very first sniff, and
sharp mind to remove the Problem. Large teeth means the power to intimidate the enemies to be
performed, but the real power, so it can be completely eradicated, it should not be performed.
Mr. Ganesh has two wives, Riddhi and Siddhi. This means the President will develop these
qualities, the whole country will be held from public funds, and Riddhi - Siddhi like the
better half, Anuchri wives own Mr. Ganesh (President) to serve Algeangee. And efficient and
well-being as a self son safely to work for the entire community will. And physical facilities
and people to enjoy inner peace and will be blessed. As a result, the nation's president
(Mr. Ganesh), the cheer will echo from all directions. Which will continue to constantly buzzing.
In any family or group leader or owner of the property should be similar.